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Amazon Workers’ Comp: What to Do if You're Injured at Work in 2024

Written by
A drawing of the lead workers' compensation lawyer for Atticus.
Victoria Muñoz
Lead Attorney
Published March 31, 2023
Updated May 1, 2024
4 min read
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Atticus offers free, high-quality workers' compensation advice to those injured at work. Our team of Stanford and Harvard trained lawyers has a combined 15+ years of legal experience, and help thousands of Americans get the benefits they deserve each year.

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Injuries in Amazon warehouses are common. The rate of worker injuries is more than triple the industry average in some warehouses.1 A number of Amazon employees have also struggled to get the workers' compensation benefits they deserve.2 At Atticus, we’ve helped more workers’ comp clients from Amazon than any other employer.

If you've been injured at Amazon — whether it was the result of a one-time accident or over-time strain — you likely qualify for paid medical care and lost wage relief. This is true regardless of why or how you were injured.

Here’s how to ensure you get the benefits you’re entitled to.

5 things you should know about Amazon workers’ comp

If you’re an Amazon employee who was injured on the job, here are the most important things to know:

  1. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. You qualify for workers’ comp benefits regardless of who was to blame for your accident or injury. There are only a few exceptions, like if you were intoxicated on the job. For most people, you should receive medical care and payments to cover lost wages regardless of “why” you got hurt.

  2. Employers are legally required to hold workers’ comp insurance*. Amazon has this coverage (through Sedgwick). You are not required to take a short-term disability insurance option when there is workers’ compensation available. And you still qualify for workers’ comp benefits even if you lose your job after the incident.

  3. All regular employees are covered*. Full-time, part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees are all eligible for Amazon's workers' comp. That can include warehouse workers, delivery drivers, office workers, and anyone else employed by Amazon. However, independent contractors can't get benefits. (If Amazon doesn't take any taxes out of your paychecks, you're probably an independent contractor.)

  4. When you’re hurt, you should notify someone as quickly as possible. If you’ve been injured, tell your manager. Try to get it in writing. Timely notice is important for workers’ comp cases and you’ll have an easier time with your claim if you report your injury quickly. Every state has different rules about how long you have to notify an employer.

  5. It’s not just one-time accidents that qualify. We talk more about the types of injuries that qualify below. But many Amazon employees don’t realize that workers’ compensation covers the aggravation of preexisting conditions and new injuries that result from repetitive, over-time strain. If you hurt your back after months of lifting and pulling pallets, or hurt your wrist repeatedly unpacking boxes, these injuries can also qualify you for workers’ comp.

*There are some exceptions to this rule. Namely, in Texas, where employers can opt out of buying workers’ compensation insurance. In Texas, Amazon is a “non-subscriber” employee. That means they can forgo having workers’ comp insurance, but lose protection from employee lawsuits.3 If you’ve been injured at an Amazon facility in Texas, it’s still possible to be compensated, but you’ll want to speak with a lawyer to determine the best path forward.

Atticus has answers to your workers' comp questions.

Can I get fired for filing a workers' comp claim?

Amazon can't legally fire you for getting hurt on the job or as retaliation for filing a workers' comp claim. If they do, you can sue over your wrongful termination. Penalties vary by state but in California, for example, winning a wrongful termination case will mean getting your job back, getting paid for the time you missed after being fired, and a raise in your regular wage.4

You can still be fired for other reasons because most states have at-will employment laws, but if you believe you were fired because of your work injury, an employment lawyer can help you take legal action against Amazon.

Related article: 13 Common Workers' Comp Myths

What if AmCare says I can continue working?

In all cases, you should report your work injury as soon as you can — tell your boss, manager, supervisor, or someone higher up than you who works at Amazon. When you report an injury, Amazon is required by law to begin the workers' comp filing process.

Then you should get the medical treatment you believe is necessary. Even if you get treatment from Amazon's in-house wellness center, AmCare, see your own doctor for a second opinion.

The AmCare workers are ultimately working for Amazon and aren't incentivized to put your health above all else. Reports have shown cases where Amazon's first-aid clinic encouraged workers to return to their jobs, risking further injury and keeping the company from having to file a claim or report a serious work injury.

If your manager doesn't want to file a workers' comp claim or Amazon is trying to make you work before you're ready to — including if you take a leave of absence and Amazon tries to cut it short — talk with a workers' comp lawyer. They'll be able to defend your rights from Amazon while you focus on getting better. A lawyer is also free to start — you get a free consultation and pay nothing until after they get you a settlement.

What will I receive in an Amazon workers’ compensation settlement?

There are two main benefits that you can receive through workers’ compensation:

Lost wage relief: If you’re out of work, Amazon's workers' comp insurance company should pay you a percentage of the earnings you would have received if you had been working. If you’ll be unable to work for a longer duration, you’ll probably get a workers’ comp settlement offer. Your settlement will include money for “future wages” that you'll be unable to earn due to your injuries.

In most states, your payments are calculated based on two-thirds of your average weekly wage, but this does vary based on the state you’re employed in. We break down how much you’ll make on workers’ compensation in every state here.

Medical care: The insurance company should also pay for all medical treatment related to your injury and required for your recovery. That could include hospital visits, specialist consultations, surgeries, prescription medication, physical therapy, copays, etc. In some states, you’ll be required to see a doctor who Amazon or Sedgwick chooses. This doctor will determine what care you need, when you can go back to work, and if you can do any light-duty work or modified-duty work while you recover.

Learn more about average work injury settlements.

What should I expect when filing a workers’ compensation claim?

While the duration of a workers’ comp claim varies, claims generally follow these basic steps:

  • You report your injury. If this was a one-time incident, report it as soon as possible. (Prioritize getting any emergency medical care first!) If it’s a condition that develops from work over time (these are called cumulative trauma or repetitive strain injuries) — report it as soon as your injury impacts your ability to work, or as soon as your physician notes that your condition is likely work-related. Make sure to communicate which actions you take at work caused the injury.

  • Amazon will give you an incident report to fill out. Once Amazon is aware of your injury, they should give you a form to fill out and report the injury to Sedgwick. At this point, Sedgwick can begin to evaluate your claim.

  • Continue getting medical care and following doctor recommendations. Your workers’ comp doctor is responsible for creating a treatment plan for your condition. They should report all of your treatment to the insurance company and Sedgwick. The doctor also makes official recommendations about your level of impairment and assigns you an “impairment rating.” That rating indicates how much your injury affects your capacity to do your job duties. (A 100% rating would mean you've lost the ability to use the affected part of your body.) Even if you can't do your normal job, the doctor will determine if you can handle modified tasks, often called light-duty work. Your doctor's diagnosis plays a big part in how long you can be on workers' comp and how much it pays. If you run into any issues with your doctor, we recommend talking to a workers' comp lawyer as soon as you can.

  • Your claim is either denied, or you’ll be offered a settlement. If your claim is denied, you can appeal that decision. If it’s approved, you’ll be offered a settlement. While a lawyer is helpful at any stage of the workers’ comp process, they’re particularly essential for fighting a denial or negotiating a settlement. (We wrote more on how a workers’ comp lawyer helps.)

Read more on steps to take when you’re injured at work.

Get workers' comp help today.

What injuries are covered by Amazon’s workers’ comp insurance?

Any workplace injury that happened on the job or was caused by your job duties can qualify for Amazon workers’ comp. If an injury keeps you from working or requires treatment, it’s worthwhile to file a claim.

Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common injuries among Amazon warehouse workers — making up 40% of injuries.5 These are things like sprains or strains that can be caused by repetitive motions, and often occur over time. At Amazon, they’re most common in the first six months of employment.

One-time injuries are also fairly common — especially given the fast-paced nature of work at Amazon.6 Across all U.S. workers’ comp claims, common work-related injuries include contact with objects and equipment, overexertion, falls, slips, and trips. Cuts, burns, and abrasions also make up a large number of claims across all occupations.7

Less common, but still qualifying, are conditions that result from exposure to harmful substances. If you get sick from hazards in your workplace — like chemicals or asbestos — you should also see a doctor, report it to your supervisor, and file a claim.

Read more about the kinds of injuries that qualify for workers’ comp.

Frequently asked questions about Amazon workers’ comp

Does Amazon have workers’ compensation?

Yes, Amazon offers workers’ comp coverage, but the process is handled by another company called Sedgwick. If you get injured at work, report it directly to your supervisor or manager. Here’s how to report an injury.

How do I file an Amazon workers' comp claim?

First, report the injury to your supervisor or manager as soon as possible. Amazon usually starts the filing process from there, but the exact steps differ by state. See how to file a workers’ comp claim in each state.

Can Amazon fire me for filing a workers’ compensation claim?

It is illegal for Amazon to fire you in retaliation for getting injured or for filing a workers’ comp claim. If you were injured at work and then fired, you may want to speak to an employment lawyer. Learn more about whether a company can fire you on workers' comp.

Can I get workers’ comp after leaving my Amazon job?

Yes, you can file after leaving Amazon as long as you reported the injury within your state's reporting deadline. If you're already getting benefits, they will continue after you leave. If Amazon or insurance cuts off your benefits, that's a good time to contact a workers’ compensation attorney.

The workers’ comp doctor says I can go back to work, but I’m not ready to yet. What should I do?

If you disagree with a workers’ comp doctor's opinion that you can return to work or that you should end your treatment, talk to a workers' comp lawyer. They'll be able to help you get a second medical opinion and receive the treatment you need. Another common situation a lawyer can help with is when your employer is pressuring you to return to work or do more than light-duty work.

Do I need a lawyer to file an Amazon workers’ comp claim?

You don’t need a workers’ compensation lawyer, but they can help you at every stage. They’ll handle paperwork, scheduling medical care, calls with the claims administrator or insurance, and negotiating a fair settlement. You also don’t have to pay a lawyer anything until after you win or get a settlement. Lawyer fees are also capped by your state government in most cases.

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Related resources:

What Is Workers' Comp & How Does It Work?

A hand draw portrait of a smiling, helpful lawyer.
By Victoria Muñoz

What to Do if You're Injured at Work

A hand draw portrait of a smiling, helpful lawyer.
By Victoria Muñoz

See what you qualify for

How long ago did you get an injury or illness at work?


  1. 1.
    Mohamed Al Elew and Soo Oh, What are injury rates like at Amazon warehouses?,” Reveal, The Center for Investigative Reporting, published September 29, 2020, accessed February 9, 2024, https://revealnews.org/article/amazon-injury-rates/.
  2. 2.
    Laura Hautala, Injured Amazon Warehouse Workers Get the Runaround Over Benefits and Care,” CNET, published July 12, 2022, accessed February 9, 2024, https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/injured-amazon-warehouse-workers-get-the-runaround-over-benefits-and-care/.
  3. 3.
    Information for workers' compensation non-subscribers,” Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), last modified November 13, 2023, accessed February 9, 2024, https://www.tdi.texas.gov/wc/employer/cb007.html.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
    Jeff Bezos, 2020 Letter to Shareholders,” Amazon, published April 15, 2021, accessed February 9, 2024, https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/company-news/2020-letter-to-shareholders.
  6. 6.
    Katherine Long, Amazon workers say minor aches suddenly became debilitating as they raced to meet speed targets,” Business Insider, published October 19, 2022, accessed February 9, 2024, https://www.businessinsider.com/warehouse-injuries-amazon-chronic-pain-speed-risk-productivity-targets-employees-2022-10.
  7. 7.
    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Traumatic Occupational Injuries Fast Facts,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), last modified July 26, 2022, accessed February 9, 2024, https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/injury/fastfacts.html.
A drawing of the lead workers' compensation lawyer for Atticus.

Victoria Muñoz

Lead Attorney

Victoria Muñoz is an attorney on Atticus’s Workers' Compensation team. She’s a licensed attorney, a graduate of Stanford Law School, and has counseled hundreds of people seeking workers' compensation. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and spending time with her pup.
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