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Workers compensationNew Jersey Workers' Comp

How Much Does New Jersey Workers’ Comp Pay in 2024?

Written by
A drawing of the lead workers' compensation lawyer for Atticus.
Victoria Muñoz
Lead Attorney
Published July 8, 2024
3 min read
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Atticus offers free, high-quality workers' compensation advice to those injured at work. Our team of Stanford and Harvard trained lawyers has a combined 15+ years of legal experience, and help thousands of Americans get the benefits they deserve each year.

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If you’ve recently suffered a workplace injury or illness, you may be worried about how you’ll cover your bills until you can return to work. In New Jersey, you’re entitled to weekly workers’ comp payments, which act as wage replacement. New Jersey workers’ comp generally pays up to two-thirds of your pre-tax wages, but there are upper and lower limits. Your payments may change depending on the injury or illness you have. Workers’ compensation will also cover any medical care you need to recover.

Keep reading to find out how much New Jersey workers’ comp pays on average, or check out our complete guide to workers’ comp in New Jersey to learn more about what to expect.

How much does workers’ comp pay in New Jersey?

For injuries in 2024, New Jersey workers’ comp pays up to two-thirds of the average weekly wages you earned before you stopped working. That said, there is a maximum payment of $1,131 per week (for workers with annual income of $88,218 or more) and a minimum payment of $302 per week (for workers with income of $23,556 or less).

If you are still able to do some work, your workers' compensation checks will be decreased by your weekly work income. (Read more about working while on workers’ comp.)

You can qualify for payments following a seven-day waiting period after your injury or illness first kept you out of work.

Date of accident

Max payment for partial and total disability







See how long your benefits could last.

Calculating your workers’ comp check

New Jersey workers’ comp payments are based on the average weekly wage (AWW) you earned before your injury or illness. To calculate your AWW, divide your gross annual pay (for the 52 weeks before your injury) by 52. Next, multiply that number by two-thirds to determine your workers’ comp check amount.

The formula looks like this:

Gross annual wages ÷ 52 x ⅔ = weekly workers’ comp check

As an example, let’s say your gross annual income the year before your injury was $72,800. You’d divide that by 52 weeks to get an average weekly wage of $1,400. Multiply that by two-thirds to find your maximum weekly check amount of $933.33. Any work income you have will decrease that check.

Settle your workers' comp claim today.

How much workers’ comp pays for medical treatment

New Jersey workers’ compensation also pays for all medical care related to your injury. That includes everything from copays for doctor visits to the cost of physical therapy or surgery. You can generally expect workers’ comp to pay your medical providers directly for any treatment you need to recover.

That said, you can’t choose your own doctor. You must see a workers’ comp doctor who your employer or their insurer chooses for you. Any recommended treatment must also come from providers within the insurance company’s network. Any medical care you receive from other doctors might not be covered, meaning you need to pay out of pocket.

If you disagree with your workers’ comp doctor or want to get a second opinion, a New Jersey workers’ comp lawyer can help you fight for independent medical treatment.

Will I get a workers’ comp settlement?

It is possible you’ll get a workers’ comp settlement, but it isn’t a guaranteed part of workers’ comp benefits like wage replacement and medical care. Whether you receive a settlement offer depends on multiple factors, like your specific injury and how long it takes you to recover.

Generally, the insurance company offers to settle to avoid long or expensive workers’ comp payments. And while you could get a settlement offer at any time, it’s most common if you’re approaching maximum medical improvement — when you’ve recovered as much as your workers’ comp doctor thinks you’re likely to — but still can’t go back to your regular work.

However, many variables impact whether the insurer offers to settle and how much they offer. (Learn more about when workers’ comp usually offers a settlement and average settlement amounts.)

In all cases, we recommend talking to a workers’ comp lawyer if you’re negotiating a settlement. A local lawyer is trained in your city and state laws, so they’ll be able to help you fight for a fair settlement based on your situation.

Further reading: When You Should Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Get help with your workers’ comp claim

New Jersey workers’ comp may sound straightforward, but there are a lot of details you may not expect until you’re in the middle of the process. Even if you never run into a clear issue — like denied benefits or delayed payments — it can be hard to get clear answers from your employer or claims adjuster. That’s where hiring a professional can make your life a lot easier.

Atticus is a law firm with experienced Pennsylvania workers’ comp lawyers. If you have questions about your claim, Atticus can give you clear answers. Working with one of our lawyers also comes with a free consultation and no upfront fees. You only have to pay the lawyer’s fee after you get a settlement and if they can’t help you, you don’t owe them a cent.

Get started with our workers’ comp intake quiz. Our team will reach out to learn more about your situation and connect you with a lawyer who’s a good fit for your case.

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Related resources:

5 Common Questions About Workers’ Comp Lawyers

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How Much a Workers’ Comp Lawyer Costs in Every State

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See what you qualify for

How long ago did you get an injury or illness at work?

A drawing of the lead workers' compensation lawyer for Atticus.

Victoria Muñoz

Lead Attorney

Victoria Muñoz is an attorney on Atticus’s Workers' Compensation team. She’s a licensed attorney, a graduate of Stanford Law School, and has counseled hundreds of people seeking workers' compensation. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and spending time with her pup.
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