Atticus offers free, high-quality disability advice for Americans who can't work. Our team of Stanford and Harvard-trained lawyers has a combined 15+ years of legal experience and has helped over 50,000 Americans apply for disability benefits.
Coloradans who can’t work because of an injury or illness may qualify for federal aid If you’re in this situation, you’re not alone. Thousands of Coloradans with mental disorders, injuries, diseases, and other ailments qualify for benefits every year.
Read on to learn more about Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Social Security Income. Plus, we’ll review how to qualify for these federal programs.
When you apply for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) evaluates your application in five steps.
The five-step eligibility process includes the following questions:
Are you working at a substantial gainful level? The SSA considers any work that requires substantial physical or mental effort in exchange for a certain amount of pay to be “substantial and gainful.” If you make more than $1,550 per month, or $2,590 per month if you’re blind, your work is considered gainful, and you won’t qualify for benefits.
Do you have a severe impairment? If your injury or illness prevents you from working for at least 12 months, it’s considered a severe impairment.
Does your disability meet the SSA definition? Your application must show that your impairment meets the SSA’s definition of a disability. The SSA Blue Book is a list of qualifying conditions. If your impairment isn’t listed, you’ll need evidence to prove your condition makes it difficult to work.
Can you do work you’ve done in the past? As part of their evaluation, the SSA considers whether you can continue working in any of your previous jobs. If so, they consider how much you can work given your condition.
Can you do any other types of work? The SSA also considers whether you can do any other kind of work, even if it isn’t the job you had when you became injured or ill. This step does not apply to those over 50 years old.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is one type of federal aid you can apply for if you cannot work due to an injury or illness. SSDI provides monthly financial support and Medicare coverage. In 2024, the maximum monthly SSDI payment is $3,822.
To qualify for SSDI benefits, you must meet the SSA’s definition of disability. You also must have worked and paid Social Security taxes. Most people qualify if they’ve worked and paid taxes for at least five out of the last ten years. The SSA measures the amount of time worked and taxes paid through work credits.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a type of federal aid for low-income beneficiaries and those who don’t have a significant enough employment history to qualify for SSDI. Those eligible for SSI receive monthly financial support and free health insurance via Medicaid. In 2024, the maximum monthly payment is $943 for an individual and $1,415 for a couple.
In addition to meeting the SSA’s definition of disablity, you must make very little income and have very few assets (less than $2,000, or less than $3,000 if you’re married) to qualify for SSI.
In Colorado, you can submit your disability application online, in person, or over the phone.
Online: Visit to create an account and apply. Provide as much information as possible, and don’t leave any fields blank. Submitting a complete application increases your odds of approval.
In-person: Apply in person at your local SSA office. The SSA claims agent will provide you with a printed application and answer any questions you may have. Find your nearest SSA office using our directory.
Over the phone: You can also call an SAA office to apply over the phone. Call your nearest SSA office or the national toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213.
From Alamosa to Littleton, Denver to Fort Collins, there are fifteen SSA field offices in Colorado:
Alamosa 602 Del Sol Drive 1A Alamosa, CO 81101 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (888) 475-0297 Fax Number: (833) 641-2555 | Aurora 14280 E Jewell Ave Suite 250 Aurora, CO 80012 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (866) 931-9965 Fax Number: (833) 436-4146 | Canon City 115 N 10th Street Canon City, CO 81212 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (866) 272-5728 Fax Number: (833) 950-2910 |
Colorado Springs 2306 E Pikes Peak Ave Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (888) 880-0688 Fax Number: (833) 641-2553 | Denver 1500 Champa St 2nd Floor Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (866) 613-9904 Fax Number: (833) 612-0146 | Durango 103 Sheppard Drive Suite 120 Durango, CO 81303 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (888) 472-6115 Fax Number: (833) 641-3163
Fort Collins 301 S Howes St 4th Floor Fort Collins, CO 80521 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (866) 336-7385 Fax Number: (833) 641-3165 | Grand Junction 825 North Crest Drive Grand Junction, CO 81506 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Phone Number: (866) 931-7120 Fax Number: (833) 612-0150 |
The short answer is no. The SAA doesn’t require that you work with a lawyer to apply for disability benefits. However, there are several advantages to working with one. In fact, working with a good disability lawyer increases your chances of winning disability by threefold.
A disability lawyer can:
Help you complete your application
Gather your medical records
Give expertise about your condition and the SSA’s criteria for disability
Prepare and represent you at a hearing
Follow up with the SSA and ensure no mistakes are made
Working with a lawyer makes the disability approval process easier and less stressful for you. At Atticus, we provide personalized advice about your options and can connect you with a qualified lawyer if you’d like.
There are no upfront costs—you only pay a fee when your lawyer wins your case. Take our 2-minute disability quiz to get started.
To qualify for disability you need to have a condition that prevents you from working for at least a year. You’ll also need to meet certain work history requirements (for SSDI) or be within certain income limits (for SSI). For more on these requirements, read our full write up here.
Any condition that will prevent you from working for a year or more can qualify for disability benefits. Some of the most common conditions include musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders, nervous system diseases, and circulatory system diseases. See our full list of conditions that qualify here.
It takes an average of 7-8 months to get an initial disability decision in Colorado. Most people who apply are initially rejected, and need to appeal this decision. If you appeal and go to a hearing, the process takes around two years on average. Read more: How Long It Takes to Get Approved for Disability Benefits
The average SSDI payment in Colorado is $1,780.36 per month. The average SSI payment is $594.10. What you’ll earn is dependent on your income, or the amount you’ve historically paid into the Social Security program. Read more on what amount you can expect.
Answer the application questions truthfully, consistently, and succinctly. You should also ensure that you gather and submit all your medical records with your application. The SSA paperwork can be complicated, so our legal team has written a full guide to the application here.
No, Colorado does not have a state disability program. Only five states (California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island) have a state program. Residents of Colorado can apply for federal disability programs (SSDI and SSI). Read more about SSDI and SSI here.
How long has your condition made it hard to work?
Jackie Jakab
Lead Attorney
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